Friday, September 5, 2014

BE Vibrant!

A good anti-aging regimen may not take 10 years off your face after a few applications, but using the right products regularly to nourish, rejuvenate and repair skin will lead to a noticeably smoother, softer, and more vibrant complexion.
In the face of the seemingly endless shelves of anti-aging products that claim to erase lines, diminish wrinkles, plump up waning skin and repair damage inflicted by sun and time, how can you tell what really works? Here are a few tips to help navigate choices and maximize results. (Mary Kay is pretty awesome btw...just saying... 😘)
Read Ingredient Lists 
The front of the package may wax poetic about active ingredients, but read the fine print to see just how active they are. The further down the ingredient appears on the ingredient list, the less of it the formula actually contains.
Simpler is Better 
Products with everything and the kitchen sink are not necessarily the best. Simpler formulas may contain higher amounts of active ingredients than those with dozens of them.
Use as Directed
If a little is good, more is not always better. Active ingredients can be detrimental to skin if too much is used. Applying too much or too frequently can lead to irritation, clogged pores, and blotchy skin.
Be a Loyalist
Using too many products can overload your skin rendering products less effective and can cause irritation. Make sure to also use one brand of skincare, not a cleanser from so&so and moisturizer from that-brand-off-shelf. All products from Mary Kay have been used, & will follow the claims, if you use Mary Kay products, not use other brands along with it. 
Show Product Patience
 Some products may yield immediate results, but many work best over time. Try using the same regime of products consistently for at least 2 weeks before giving the verdict.
Search for a 100% Guarantee 
 Most brands do not give you your money back if their product doesn't do what it says it is supposed to. With some companies, such as Mary Kay, they offer their own 100% guarantee and will refund your money if you don't like the products for any reason. Good Housekeepingg is also a great resource when it comes to finding out what products really work. They are an independent company that tests products to see if they do what they claim...novel idea!!! All our skincare lines have the Good Housekeeping Seal, not too shabby, eh?

What's your tip when trying a new skincare line?? 

Stay Beautiful!

xoxoxoxox Amanda Hall